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WorldCat Discovery: Tips & Tricks

Searching Tips and Tricks

Basic Searching

By default, a basic search is a "keyword" search.  After entering a search term, click the "Search" button or click "Enter" on your keyboard. A typical result will display as the following journal, which shows holdings in both print and electronic versions. 

Use filters to make your search more specific by year, item type, language, etc. 



Use these shortcuts available in the upper-right corner of the homepage of WorldCat Discovery to access popular services and journal bundles. 


Expert searching

Expert searches (ones that contain index labels and Boolean operators) can be entered in any search box, including the search boxes on the Advanced Search screen.  

Please note: If you use an index label for one search term in the box, you must use index labels for all search terms. Otherwise those without labels will be treated as a keyword.  

Some of the more useful labels include:  (using the : makes it a word search, so any word that matches in the field will result in a hit; using an = creates a phrase search so the words must be in that order to result in a hit)

 Author (word)  au:   a:O'Shea  formats: last name or first name
 Author (phrase)   au=   au=O'Shea, Mark   formats: Last name, first name
 Genre Form (word)           ge:    ge: nonfiction   
 Publisher (word)           pb:  pb: Chicago   
 Publisher (phrase  pb=

 pb= University of Chicago Press             

 searches for the complete phrase
 Title (word)  ti:  ti: herpetology  will return titles with herpetology in the title 
 Title (phrase)  ti=  ti= Book of Snakes 

omit initial articles (a, an, the; such as in this title The Book of Snakes). Returns items with complete phrase

Year yr= yr=2018 year