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Bushman: Archival Collections

Archival Collections

Accession Card for Bushman: 1 gorilla in the flesh (Bushman), January 2,1951.  

FMNH Taxidermy Film: Available on Internet Archive. Film of taxidermy technique used for gorilla specimen. Prepared for exhibition by combination of techniques. The face and feet were made as celluloid models by the Walters Process. The mounted skin was prepared by FMNH staff members: taxidermists Leon L. Walters, Frank C. Wonder and artist Joseph B. Krstolich. Filmed by John Moyer, Field Museum Division of Motion Pictures.

Inter-Office Correspondence from Chief Curator of Zoology Karl P. Schmidt to The Field Museum Drector, Clifford C. Gregg, May 31, 1945. 

Inter-Office Correspondence from Director Clifford C. Gregg to the Captain of the Guard, December 3, 1951. 

Inter-Office Correspondence from Chief Curator of Zoology Karl P. Schmidt to the Director, Clifford C. Gregg, December 14, 1951. 

Letter from the Director, Clifford C. Gregg (Field Museum) to Director, R. Marlin Perkins, (Lincoln Park Zoo), October 30, 1945 (see below). 

Letter from the Director, Clifford C. Gregg (Field Museum) to the Director, R. Marlin Perkins, (Lincoln Park Zoo), September 27, 1951. 

Memorandum for Record regarding exhibition of Bushman, 14 September 1951. 

Getty Images

A collection of Field Museum high-resolution images of Bushman is offered via Getty Images.  

© The Field Museum, Z85012.